Technical Committee
The Technical Committee focuses on the technical aspects of the manufacture, handling, transport, storage, distribution and safe use of sulphuric acid, oleum, sulphur trioxide and sulphur dioxide. It also has responsibility for regulatory matters regarding health, safety and the environment for these products.
Since 2015, three Working Groups have started in order to better handle topics of more focused interest:
ESA Transport & Logistics Working Group
ESA Safety Working Group
ESA BREF Working Group
They are activated upon need.
Technical Committee comprises experts with appropriate qualification to contribute effectively to the activities of the Committee and Working Groups.
The role of the Technical Committee and its Working Groups is to
Provide a forum for technical discussions relating to the manufacture, storage, transportation, usage and disposal of sulphuric acid and related products.
Exchange information and ideas on production safety, product safety, regulation and legislation regarding sulphuric acid and related products.
Discuss any international draft regulation concerning the sulphuric acid industry and to express industry views to the related bodies.
Investigate any technical subjects at the request of the Management Committee and to report back their findings.